The Next Big Thing Blog Tour by Katy Lee

Thank you, Marian Lanouette, for inviting me to participate in The Next Big Thing Blog Tour! You asked me questions … here are my answers:

1) What is your working title?

Forever Silenced

2) Where did the idea come from for your book?

Back in college I took sign language and deaf culture courses for my special education major. This has been a story brewing for a long time, but put aside until I embraced the writer in me. My heroine in Forever Silenced is deaf and has spent her whole life proving she is not dumb.

3) What genre does your book fall under?

Inspirational Romantic Suspense

4) Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Amy Adams and Tom Hardy

5) What is a one-sentence synopsis about your book?

To solve the recent drug crime at the island high school, the new deaf principal will have to bring a horrific memory to light, all while avoiding the handsome DEA agent sent to get up in her business.

6) How will your book be published?

Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense has contracted Forever Silenced and will release it in October 2013.

7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

6 Weeks. I told you this story has been brewing for a long time. Once I obeyed my characters and sat down to write it, the words flew from my fingertips.

8) What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

I write romantic suspense with an inspirational arc woven through. I don’t write sermons, but hope to inspire readers to consider tough topics many have faced or know someone who has. Helen Keller’s first words to the hearing world were “I am not dumb…” (Click to see!)Just as Helen Keller, my heroine wants to be accepted, loved, and respected, regardless of her differences. I think we all can relate. 

And now to continue the blog tour, be sure to check out “The Next Big Thing” from the following authors who are participating in this event!

Edith Maxwell

Gerri Brousseau

Marian Lanouette

~Thank you, Readers, for your tweets and shares!

15 thoughts on “The Next Big Thing Blog Tour by Katy Lee”

  1. Awesome Katy, to see Helen on utube, and how she spoke her first sentence. How thrilling. I know your book will be a great success. God has richly blessed you. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Gerri! I hope it is par with RV, but I will say the word count is much less because of LIS’s max word count requirements. I have to be real selective of what gets put on the page. 😉

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