Tag Archives: House of Flying Daggers

Kung-Fu Ya!

Happy Friday everyone! Casey Wyatt here!

I’m briefly poking my head out of the writing and editing cave to share a few thoughts with you.Let’s talk guilty pleasures! Also, I want you to imagine the song – “Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting” playing in the background.

Got that song stuck in your head?

Good. Consider it my gift to you today!

One of my favorite things is martial arts movies. They are bold, fast and action packed. Kind of what I strive for in my books.

Kung Fu movies don’t spend a lot of time on back story or beat around the bush when it comes to plotting. Most of them get right to the point. Hero or Heroine versus the world!

That doesn’t mean the movies don’t tell a story. The drama is there in between the flying fists and swinging swords. Modern martial arts movies tend to be more fantastic than their predecessors with amazing high-flying wire work action.

I also love Jackie Chan movies. He combines a sense of danger (he’s famous for his own stunts) along with humor (his Buster Keaton style of Kung Fu).Chan, raised in Chinese opera (check out his biography for a riveting tale) balances a compelling every man hero thrown into extraordinary circumstances. In his movies, sometimes there’s a love interest. Or the world to save. And if a few bad guys get their butts kicked in the process, even better.

Like the romance genre, I think there is a tendency for martial arts movies to be looked down upon (oh, you watch those movies). The badly dubbed versions don’t help. But still, like a romance novel (oh, you read those novels), I find them to be fun, satisfying and a worthy way to spend my free time.

Remember – to the tune of “Kung-Fu Fighting” – tell me your guilty pleasure! (Bonus points if you mention – chocolate, Downton Abbey or Zombies!)